2013 Schweser Kaplan Cfa Level 3 Quicksheet Download Google
Onlysimon wrote: certainly takes a little skill, I have less than that. (I have an A4 non-duplex printer.) 1) I downloaded the ZIP file from the link 2) I opened the pdf files with nitro reader. 3) from the print menu I printed ‘all odd pages’ (prints come out print side up) 4) taking the stack of printed paper, reversed the order. 5) put the stack print side up into the paper tray.
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6) then printed ‘all even pages’. Hey-presto note cards!
Well they are not perfect. I can’t cut them into A6 because some of the text overruns, so I cut them by hand with scisssors and they are rather odd sizes.
But I’m not complaining they seem pretty succinct notes. My guess is to do a good job you need to start with the.tex files and use some other tool.
GIPS (focus on required): CFA Glossary. I’ll reemphasize point #1, and specifically: finding a balance I finished the 3rd level this year and learned that if you start at a good time, it shouldn’t take up your entire weekend. You should be able to knock out maybe 3 hours Sat/Sun morning, and then get 2 hours per day for 4 days a week, and be okay if you do it for 6 months. That comes to 14 hours per week, 56 hours per month, or just over 300 hours in 6 months.
This still leaves you with most of the weekend to go and spend time with friends without missing out. I got better about that, but should have done it sooner. If you plan it out well, and use your time efficiently (study a little before work, during lunch at work, and an hour after work, and you have your 2 hours x 4 days per week), this is a very reasonable test. I still worried a lot, I wasted more time than needed, but it’s doable, and if you’re efficient, it won’t totally interfere with everything else in life. Start early and only start when you’re ready to get going, in my opinion. Don’t start and go really slow. Either hit the books hard or don’t.
And if you’re like me, don’t even bother starting with Ethics. It’s too early, it’s really boring, and you should really just be doing that closer to the end so it’s fresh in your mind for the test. I somehow missed that Adam Runk post last spring. You all should bookmark that and use it as a reference.
Good stuff from Gotham, too. Here are some other things I think will be helpful (i) This is a great, famous post from some guy “Trimonious” on Level III (ii) You are likely inclined to believe the 2004-2010 AM exams aren’t relevant to the 2016 examNOT TRUE. There are some differences but largely the curriculum and main topics they test have stayed the same. Old exams are excellent practice, and the CFA guideline answers are golden studying material. (iii) Some may not agree with me, but the AM mocks aren’t good. They are very simplistic and not at all like the real CFA exam questions. I felt I wasted time doing them.
FOCUS ON THE OLD CFA AM EXAMS, even the ones a decade old. The PM mocks are OK. Notes are good and I think covered practically everything on the 2015 exam, but their AM mocks aren’t worth the time.
(iv) On exam day, you’re highly likely to score lower in the AM than you thought. In May you’ll see people posting that they scored 75 or higher on the 2014 or 2015 CFA AM exam. The results matrices posted on this site say otherwise. Its very rare to see people post AM matrices in the 75% range. I thought I graded my mock exams conservatively, but my AM 40/60/80 score was 10 percentage points lower than where I was on mock exams. I don’t think I’m alone.
The good news is you don’t need 70% in the AM – you can get away with 60% or even (slightly) lower. (v) The AM is the differentiator for most on pass vs fail. You need to be ready for it.