Hunza Health Secrets For Long Life And Happiness Pdf Reader
Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Most Long-Lived Peoples By John Robbins Random House, 2006. Reviewed by Jan Blair and Ron Schmid, ND. John Robbins begins his new book on human longevity with a review of research on several cultures known for. Hunza Health Secrets for Long Life and Happiness. Renee Taylor. Keats Publishing, 1978 - Diet - 187 pages. Hunza health secrets for long life and happiness.
Staff In a lost kingdom high in the Himalayan mountains, at one of the extreme northern points of India, bordering Kashmir, China and Afghanistan live a people with incredible secrets for longevity – the Hunzas. Pronounced hoon-zas, they are not a society of mythical legend, but real people living on ‘the roof of the world’ – often to the tender age of 145 years. Within this tiny, peace-loving society, comprised of just 30,000 people living in an inaccessible valley approximately 3000 meters above sea level, you can find women who give birth into their 60s and men who look like they’re in their 40s at twice that age.
It is said that in addition to growing old – more than gracefully – they are also the happiest people in the world. This is an important distinction to make of the Hunza people, for their health is not only defined by the lack of disease, but also their overall quality of life, and direct experience of joy. They seem to possess boundless energy and enthusiasm for every day activities.
When you compare this state of living within the Hunza community with;, than any other country in the world, and repeatedly – you might deduce we have a lot to learn from them. Internet Download Manager Apk Full. The Western Lifestyle The Hunzas live almost twice as long as the average American – without taking copious, without driving expensive new cars, and without a Whole Foods on every corner of suburbia. They have no suburbia. Just a mountain valley, which is pure, and uncontaminated by modern industrial chemicals, GMO foods, or contaminated water. Their very lifestyle makes you question everything we hold ‘sacred’ in this country.
Even at 100 years of age (the American average lifespan is only 70) a Hunza is not considered elderly. 90-year-old Hunza men often father children, and 80-year old Hunza women make Naomi Campbell look geriatric. So what’s their big secret? How do we live more like the Hunza, barring a move to a remote Himalayan village? The Hunza Secrets to Longevity 1. Use Food as Medicine and Eat Frugally.
The Hunza’s climate is harsh due to its geographical location, so they eat frugally. Typically, the eat little meat and dine on only two small meals a day. They don’t eat their first meal until noon, even though they often engage in hard, physical labor starting at 5:30 AM. Mainstage 2 Serial Number Download Idm more. The ‘,’ or breakfast, combined with small, mostly vegetarian and whole grain meals likely keep their digestive systems healthy.