Install Memcache Php Windows 7
I'm having huge problems installing memcached extension for php. Currently using: OS: Windows 10 x64 PHP: 7.0.1 via XAMPP Apache: 2.4.18 (Win32) I have successfully installed memcached in C:/memcached the service is running. But the problem starts when trying to add the memcache php extension. I've tried numerous versions of php_memcache.dll and non seem to be working. I did include the extension in php.ini extension=php_memcache.dll When i run php -m memcache is not listed and at the top i recieve the error: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C: xampp php ext php_memcache.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
And when I try running a test.php for memcache initialization i recive the Class not found exception This is a huge problem, because I need it for running selenium tests. The memcached service doesn't actually install the PHP memcached extension for you. Parasparam Serial Actress Name there.
You should see a result list showing memcached.exe and its full path. Install PHP Memcache extension (php_memcache.dll) Chances are you don’t have php_memcache.dll. Installing PHP Extension. Check your php extensions directory for php_memcache.dll. If you don't have it, Download and copy it to your php extension folder. Edit your php.ini file and add following to the extensions list: extension=php_memcache.dll. Restart webserver for the new php.ini to take effect. Yum install gcc libmemcached-devel plesk-php56-devel zlib-devel. For deb-based OS (Debian, Ubuntu). # apt install autoconf automake gcc libmemcached-dev libhashkit-dev pkg-config plesk-php56-dev zlib1g-dev. Installation for PHP 7.x: Note: For PHP 7.x latest version of php-memcached must be used. In following. Nov 28, 2011 HOW TO: Install Memcache on XAMPP (Windows 7) Hey there. 'Is Memcache a php extension or a serve?' Download and installing Memcache server for windows.