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Author by: Alison S. Fell Language: fr Publisher by: Peter Lang Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 78 Total Download: 290 File Size: 45,5 Mb Description: Historical and literary scholars have become increasingly interested in women's roles in and approaches to war. In times of conflict, French and francophone women have made crucial contributions in aid of the 'patrie,' but wars have also set women against the governing powers, frequently forcing them to choose between their concerns as women, and the economic and social demands of their belligerent nations. This volume, the proceedings of the 9th UK Women in French conference entitled 'Les femmes et la guerre', brings together scholars from different academic disciplines - history, sociology, politics, literary criticism and gender studies - who explore the impact of war upon women in French and francophone societies. Les critiques litteraires et les historiens s'interessent de plus en plus aux roles des femmes pendant les periodes de guerre. Les femmes francaises et francophones ont, par leurs actions cruciales, aide la patrie en temps de guerre; cependant, les conflits ont egalement oppose les femmes a leur gouvernement, en les obligeant souvent a choisir entre leurs interets en tant que femmes et les exigences economiques et sociales de leur pays belligerant. Ce volume, reproduisant les actes du 9e colloque britannique organise par - Women in French -, intitule - Les femmes et la guerre -, rassemble des specialistes de diverses disciplines - histoire, sociologie, sciences politiques, critique litteraire et etudes de genre - pour analyser les effets de la guerre sur les femmes en France et dans les pays francophones.'
Author by: Diana Holmes Language: en Publisher by: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 71 Total Download: 964 File Size: 50,8 Mb Description: “Plot”, writes Peter Brooks, “is so basic to our very experience of reading, and indeed to our articulation of experience in general, that criticism has often passed it over in silence” (Reading for the Plot, xi). Finding the Plot both explores and helps to redress this critical neglect. Charpentier Prelude From Te Deum Pdf.
The book brings together an international group of scholars to address the nature, effects and specific pleasures of consuming stories. Download Free Marco Paolini Ausmerzen Pdf Creator there. If the central focus is on France and popular literary fiction, the book’s scope – like contemporary fiction itself – observes no national frontiers, and extends across a variety of media. The book addresses both the empirical question of which genres and types of text have been and are most “popular”, and the theoretical questions of how plots work, what pleasures they offer to readers, and why it matters that the plot should not be lost.
Author by: Ruth Oldenziel Language: en Publisher by: Berghahn Books Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 33 Total Download: 512 File Size: 54,8 Mb Description: Technology has long been an essential consideration in public discussions of the environment, with the focus overwhelmingly on creating new tools and techniques. In more recent years, however, activists, researchers, and policymakers have increasingly turned to mobilizing older technologies in their pursuit of sustainability. In fascinating case studies ranging from the Early Modern secondhand trade to utopian visions of human-powered vehicles, the contributions gathered here explore the historical fortunes of two such technologies-bicycling and waste recycling-tracing their development over time and providing valuable context for the policy successes and failures of today. Author by: Diana Holmes Language: en Publisher by: Oxford University Press, USA Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 38 Total Download: 185 File Size: 42,9 Mb Description: This book traces the history of the romance through the turbulent history of twentieth-century women in France. It offers a compelling analysis not only of the mass-market or popular romance, but also of the bestselling 'middlebrow' novel, and of 'literary' romances by authors including Colette, Simone de Beauvoir, and their contemporary successors.