Little People Program Pulpit Furniture
( Thanks to for making this available again. Download Free Aisc Steel Manual Shapes. My original is still locked up on my old server. And I decided to put it at the top of the queue one more time. ) Take your ministry to the next level. Walk in divine prosperity.
Get the break through you keep promising the sheeple. Drive the best cars, live in the biggest house, fly the best planes and patronize the best restaurants. The Dummies guide tells you how to convince people to give you more money than they can afford to give you.
But not only that, it teaches you how to make those people think you are doing them a favor by taking the money. We give you the secrets for convincing people to pay you their tithes BEFORE they pay their rent or electric bill. Do you want to make people financially dependent on you? We’ll tell you how. You want to be worshiped as if you are the Christ? The Dummies guide teaches you how to walk, talk, and threaten so that even the most stubborn (though stupid) sheeple will be willing to quote you rather than the Bible.