Lwip Ppp Over Serial Port
Hi, I managed to let my ST Nucleo with mbed OS connect to Internet using an Adafruit Fona (a serial 2G modem). I used the PPP layer included in the sal-stack-lwip module, using this library as reference: It works good, I get an IP address, DNS server address ecc. Now here is the problem: I need to continuously check if some data arrived on the serial port and pass them to PPP for processing. Since threads are not yet supported in mbed OS, I'm using an interrupt to save serial data in a buffer, then a minar periodic scheduled task takes these data and pass them to PPP every 300ms. But I don't know if this approach is compatible with the higher levels socket libraries: I mean, if a socket is blocked, minar won't be able to schedule the 'receiving task', am I right?
Or maybe mbed OS sockets are compatible with this approach? How should I proceed? Hi oxtek, here you can find the the code I'm using to drive my Adafruit Fona serial modem on mbed OS: I had to slightly modify the sal-stack-lwip module (on which the PPP serial layer depends) to let it work on my st nucleo board. So depending on your board you may need to modify it too. WARNING: that code is highly experimental, not so well written and full of quirks. I will improve it someday in the future, but not too soon. However it 'works' (at least for adafruit fona) and I'm able to connect to Internet.
PPP, the Point-to-Point Protocol, provides a standard method for transporting datagrams over point-to-point links, including standard serial lines. The specification of PPP defines the following three main components: A method for encapsulating datagrams in PPP frames. It supports IP datagrams as well. Either PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) or PPP-over-serial. LwIP supports being run in a threaded environment. (PPP_SERIAL_PORT, linkStatusCB, &connected); if. Hi, I managed to let my ST Nucleo with mbed OS connect to Internet using an Adafruit Fona (a serial 2G modem). I used the PPP layer included in the sal-stack-lwip module, using this library as reference: https://github.c. Ppp over serial using gsm modem getting config acknowledgement reject packet. Hii, i am trying to implement ppp over serial using lwip version 1.4.1 for our project.i am working on this from last 15. The count value is expected to change only when there is some data entry - serial port // therefore the.
>hii, >i am trying to implement ppp over serial using lwip version 1.4.1 for our >project.i am working on this from last 15 to 20 days.i have first >initialized gsm modem SIM900D and dial using ATD*99# command and once it >gets connected call below code. >>>>>tcpip_init(lwIPInit,NULL); >xTaskCreate(vPPPApplication, 'vPPPApplication', configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, >NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL ); You should wait lwIP is initialised before starting vPPPApplication() which is calling pppapi_* functions, please use the tcp_init_done callback with a semaphore here, or start vPPPApplication() in lwIPInit(). You can also use non-thread safe functions in your lwIPInit(), this is always better than using heavyweight pppapi_ calls.
>>( void ) pvArgument; >>SysConfigGetLocalIPAddress(&ipAddr1, &ipAddr2, &ipAddr3, &ipAddr4); >>// Set up the network interface. >ip_addr_set_zero( &xGateway ); >ip_addr_set_zero( &xIPAddr ); >ip_addr_set_zero( &xNetMask ); >>LWIP_PORT_INIT_GW(&xGateway); >LWIP_PORT_INIT_IPADDR(&xIPAddr); >LWIP_PORT_INIT_NETMASK(&xNetMask); >>netif_set_default( netif_add( &xNetIf, &xIPAddr, &xNetMask, &xGateway, >NULL,GSM_init, tcpip_input ) );//ethernetif_init >netif_set_up( &xNetIf ); xNetIf is not your PPPoS interface, the PPP code you are using is still using an internal netif. Note that master HEAD is now using a user provided netif for PPP, which should prevent the confusion you are having. Hello Rohan, On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 02:56:17AM -0700, rohanm wrote: >hii, >>thank you for your valuable response, >please find attachment of received frame form sio_read function. >lcp_conf_reject. Shankar Mahadevan Breathless Mp3 Download Full. csv You are asking a bit too much. I am not going to debug your serial driver or debug your PPP stream byte by byte. Please send a PPP trace using the lwIP trace feature once and only once your serial in and out flows are working flawlessly.
Sylvain _______________________________________________ lwip-users mailing list. Hello, On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 01:15:04PM +0100, wrote: >rohanm wrote: >>[.] >>This is off-topic, but please subscribe to the list before posting, >I have to manually accept all posts of non-subscribed users: Yes, Nabble sucks. I must admit I have set a filter which automatically archive mails sent to lwip-users using nabble except if the subject contains PPP due to low quality input we get from nabble, and this thread is no exception. Sylvain _______________________________________________ lwip-users mailing list. Hello Rohan, On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 06:04:36AM -0700, rohanm wrote: >goldsimon- i have already subscribed. No, you are not, you are using Nabble, which is just an insipid forum to mailing list gateway.