Native Instruments - Nki Patch(one At A Time)
NKI file: Native Instruments Kontakt Library. Read here what the NKI file is, and what application you need to open or convert it. I don't have an answer to the tmp folder but would like one!! It seems all the updated documentation, ensemble, nki and plugin patch files sit in the '.[product. I've had no answer from NI support on this one, but a hardware issue I followed up around the same time got a reply in a couple of weeks.
I am having this same issue except with Komplete 9 Ultimate. I installed the suite onto my Mac Book Pro and selected an external drive for my libraries.
After I activated I ran service center for updates and went to check there is a tmp folder that has all the library updates and I do not know what to do with them. I am not sure why the updates did not go into the correct folder. Turtle Beach Z22 Driver. I also have the Library folder as well with the recepts.
I opened a ticket but it has been several days with no reply. If anyone out there can help it would be greatly appreciated! I have the same issue with Komplete Ultimate 9 (cross-grade). Both the random tmp folder and Library Receipts issue.
I don't have an answer to the tmp folder but would like one!! It seems all the updated documentation, ensemble, nki and plugin patch files sit in the '.[product name] Update' folder within the tmp folder which is on my external audio content drive. This is pretty annoying and seems like a bug of the Service Centre updater or installation, because the original install path has confused it (maybe). I'm reluctant to copy these files over to my designated 'Native Instruments Content' folder where all the originals reside but feel I will have to. If anyone is going to try this also make sure you MERGE the folder contents, replacing older files. I think a standard copy paste (in OSX), might delete existing files that are not in the update/source. I'm going to backup my original folders but it's an annoying folder by folder process to avoid backing up the sample folders with the updated ensembles and documentation.
Can anyone from NI please elaborate? I'm now uncertain which products have bee updated as the service centre does not provide file dates, and the new files in Finder don't show product versions. I have an observation for the other issue - The Library 'receipts' folder I expect occurs when an external drive is used to store sample content etc during the installation process. A similar folder appeared when I installed Logic 9 samples to an external drive. Sadly, I expect it's an unavoidable artefact of using an external drive an an install destination.
Files sizes aren't large, but it's a pain having an orphaned folder sitting there that is likely necessary. It'll likely have files other programs are dependant on if you ins all other sample content to the same drive. I wonder if originally installing to a second nested folder (i.e. Drive NI NI Content) would put the Library -receipts within the first NI folder.probably not.I think these folders are created by OSX, since the Library folder on your OS drive is in the root folder also. Something just occurred to me.I read several times around the forum that it is necessary to run each Komplete app after initial installation. I think it was suggested before updates etc.
I did this, but I wonder if each instrument also 'needs' (it shouldn't) to be run before updates so that the updates know where to put the instrument updates. Of all the items in the tmp folder, I think all were programs I had not run before installing the updates - things like Berlin Grand, Rammfire, Scanner XT, The Mouth, The Finger etc. It seems silly you need to run each sample library within individual apps (like Kontakt etc), but it's a remote possibility. I wonder if loading each instrument within the tmp folder, then re-running the update would help?? If only I could figure how to get Service Centre to re-download updates it has already installed. I just moved most of my tmp folders over to their correct location, but I'm not looking forward to doing it to the Maschine Factory Library Update or the Reflektor Library Update.they're both full of many folders and Mavericks folder merge function is stuck in the 1980's. I just requested an update on my support ticket that has been open for 5 days for this issue and referenced this thread so that perhaps more attention is given to this.
UncutFunk - That makes sense about running each program before updating but I was assuming that during the install that the paths were already set (being that the libraries ended up in the folder on my external drive). I was able to find on the NI site after logging in all the updates that were available for Komplete. I guess its possible to download everything and re-install the updates (I have not manually merged anything yet) but would rather reset service center somehow to install the updates correctly. If I do not get a support update soon I am going to delete the tmp folder and run all the Komplete programs and see if that will reset Service Center to see that I need to update? I am hoping this will work since the updates were download but library content not updated. (programs were however so I would prefer something concrete from support) My folder structure on my external drive has all the other expansion packs and libraries from NI in the root folder and I created a folder for Komplete 9 and installed the libraries into that. I've had no answer from NI support on this one, but a hardware issue I followed up around the same time got a reply in a couple of weeks.