Raytech Rns 6 0 Keygen Mac
However, a number of customers have been successful in using RayTech in both planning and onboard modes on Apple computers running the Mac OS X. Raymarine does not presently offer software permitting a PC to function with the a/c/e/gS-Series MFDs in the manner that RayTech RNS 6.1/6.2 had.
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For a boat that will be single-handed, i want a chartplotter at the helm. But, i also want to be able to interface with it from down below - send waypoints, routes., etc. Also, i'd like to view radar, AIS etc down below. One option is to have two networked chartplotters., and i can do this with pretty much any brand of chartplotter.
But i'm thinking i'd rather not buy a second chartplotter, but do it from my laptop instead. I'm not really asking about full-fledged PC nav software - i already have several programs, including expedition.
I'm only asking about interfacing with a chartplotter at the helm. How good is RNS? Is it actively supported? Do they upgrade it?
Is there a similar product from any other manufacturer? I have tried the demo of the Raytech, it pretty much turns your PC screen into a simulated chartplotter. It is supported (as well as Raymarine supports anything.), don't know what will happen now that FLIR is in charge. I found it to be kind of clunky.
The only thing that you cannot do with MUCH cheaper and better working software is view (and control) the radar. The instrument data can be viewed on most anything, there are very cheap (or free) programs that will serve the chartplotter function on free NOAA charts or any pay-for charts you like, most of them will plot AIS targets. So unless viewing the radar below is critical, I would skip the Raytech. Oh, and if you go to Raymarine.com you can download the RayTech planner, which is a slightly lobotomized version of Raytech for free. Should give you more than a flavor of what the stuff does. I did an offshore race on a friend's boat as naviguesser this year. He has an E80 at the helm.
For the same reasons of having control over the E80 via the High Speed Ethernet Switch that's also needed, I installed the latest version of RNS on my laptop. I usually use Expedition and other tools. RNS was awful. We only ever needed to see the radar at the helm on a couple of occasions and therefore didn't really need to see it at the nav station.