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What we believe: The blog is dedicated to sharing our beliefs about silver as potentially one of the most logical investments for the current economy. From events like repetitive quantitive easing and bailouts, money printing is almost becoming parabolic, in return so should the price of silver. Free Download Crack 3ds Max 2009 32 Bit. We believe that buying and holding physical silver is not just something for preppers and conspiracy theorists, but for anyone looking to make a solid investment in a very bullish commodity. We believe that silver is REAL MONEY. Silver has intrinsic value unlike the paper in your wallet or the numbers on an ATM machine.
Paper and numbers can and are created at will. Don’t get us wrong, paper and numbers have their place in modern society, namely facilitating exchange. However, because of the hidden tax of inflation, they do not make a great store of value. Foison Vinyl Cutter C24 Driver.
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The following is a great way to explain this concept of silver being “real money”: Take two hypothetical people (man or woman) living in the year 1964. Person one hask four 90% silver quarters (dimes, quarters and half-dollars were composed of 90% silver until 1965). Person 2 has a $1 Federal Reserve Note, commonly referred to as a United States dollar. Both people could theoretically go to the gas station and purchase roughly 4 gallons of gas for that amount. That does not happen, instead they put the money in a time capsule and agree to dig it up in 2012 to buy their long awaited gas. Fortunately both people survive until 2012 and the big day to spend their buried “fortune” comes. Person one is thrilled, his 4 silver quarters are now worth $21!