Static Ip Changer Program Comcast
Over the course of time, I've found that my comcast assigned IP address has been used by spammers who will just grab anyone's IP address to receive rejected mail when they send out their spam. My IP address then ends up on a black list. I tried getting them to release my address, but they refuse.
Game Maker Spaceship Engine Sound. Sep 21, 2015 What I am saying is that originally my static IP from comcast was 96. Filesmonster Premium Account Generator. 89.208. Have a 1 block static IP. Whenever you program any device. Can My Static IP Change. Oct 23, 2008 I know Comcast assigns static IP's BUT you CAN change them if you do something like shut down the cable modem.
Friends and customers I regualarly communicate with are not getting my emails. This if very disruptive and I feel like suing the blacklist companies involved. I've never sent out spam mail. But there's nothing anyone can do to prevent the ##$$#@ spammers from grabbing my IP number and using it to receive their rejected mail. Anyway, If I could change my IP number I could get away from this disruption until the next spammer steals my IP number again. So, what's the process to change to a different IP number? The Liver And Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse Ebook Readers. I have just a regular comcast account.