Tera Term Serial Macro Example In C
Buio A Mezzogiorno Pdf To Excel. Tera Term command line Tera Term command line TTERMPRO [ [[:]] telnet://[:][/] pipe ] [/B] [/BAUD=] [/C=] [/DS] [/E] [/ES] [/F=] [/FD=] [/H] [/I] [/K=] [/KR=] [/KT=] [/L=] [/LA=] [/M=] [/NOLOG] [/P=] [/R=] [/T=] [/TEKICON=] [/TIMEOUT=] [/V] [/VTICON=] [/W='] [/WAITCOM] [/X=] [;] Options Host name or IP address. Vastu Malayalam Pdf Kambikathakal. : with a TCP port number. Bosch Battery Tester Bat 121 Manual Lawn more. ':' is placed between and. With a TCP port number. Space character(s) between and. Number just after is interpreted as a port number. Telnet://[:][/] URL style - for telnet handler TCP port number and '/' at the end are optional. If TCP port number is omitted, use 23.