Vbs Delete All Files In A Folder And Subfolders In Mail
I have a folder that contains a lot of files, subfolders and files in the subfolders. Download Lagu Dragon Force Full Album Mp3. I do not want to delete the parent/top level folder, i just want to delete all the files, subfolders, and files each subfolder contains. All the code I have seen on the internet and EE allows you to specify the path/parent/top level folder, but it deletes the parent/top level folder that you specify, in addition to all subfolders and files. That wont work for me, I need to specify a parent folder, but only the files, subfolders, and files in the subfolders get deleted, not the parent folder itself. Could someone provide me with the VB.Net code that will allow me to delete just the files, subfolders, and files in the subfolders while leaving the top level/parent folder intact?
Fisher And Paykel Active Smart Fridge Not Working. Returns a Folders collection consisting of all folders contained in a. The following code illustrates the use of the SubFolders property. (VBScript) enable and. And The Kitchen Sink Snare Solo Pdf To Word. GetFolder(sFolder) Set aFiles = oFolder.Files Set aSubFolders = oFolder.SubFolders For Each file in aFiles dFileCreated = FormatDateTime(file.DateCreated, '2') If DateDiff('d', dFileCreated, today) >nMaxFileAge Then file.Delete(True) End If Next For Each folder in aSubFolders DeleteFiles(folder.