Al Anon Pamphlets Pdf Files
Since its founding in 1951, Al‑Anon Family Groups has published more than 100 books and pamphlets that share a single purpose: to help family and friends recover from. This literature supplements the face-to-face meetings where Al‑Anon members share their insights and experiences with each other. Download File. Order form for Conference Approved Literature (CAL) District 12 has its own Al-Anon literature distribution center. Al-Anon Fact File (P-36) Price: $0.25.
Charpentier Prelude From Te Deum Pdf. Since its founding in 1951, Al‑Anon Family Groups has published more than 100 books and pamphlets that share a single purpose: to help family and friends recover from the effects of someone else’s drinking. This literature supplements the face-to-face meetings where Al‑Anon members share their insights and experiences with each other. It is only one tool of the Al‑Anon/Alateen program. Al‑Anon/Alateen literature is most fully understood when used in conjunction with other tools of the program. The books and pamphlets can strengthen your recovery, but they cannot substitute for the help and healing that takes place at Al‑Anon meetings in the context of a complete recovery program. Each quarter, a chapter from one of Al‑Anon’s books is posted, along with additional information about the topic covered in the sample chapter on the World Service Organization website.