Goroll Primary Care Medicine Ebook
This revised reprint of Primary Care Medicine, Fifth Edition gives you a complete print and online package: the book plus access to a Website offering the fully searchable text, monthly text updates, and patient and physician advisories. In 239 problem-oriented chapters, this Fifth Edition provides essential information on medical diagnosis, lab tests, treatment options, and health maintenance and offers authoritative guidance on decision-making in primary care medicine. Every chapter was revised to include more images, tables, and bulleted lists. Crysis 3 Crack Download Pc.
Practical recommendations that incorporate the best available evidence, expert consensus guidelines, and clinical judgement are listed in bulleted items at the end of every chapter. Ultraiso Mac Os X Download.
Get this from a library! Primary care medicine: office evaluation and management of the adult patient. [Allan H Goroll; Albert G Mulley;]. Primary Care Medicine's digital format and quarterly updates ensure current, point-of-care decition support. New, online resources include a recommended curriculum for trainees and. 7th edition, by Allan H. Goroll and Albert G. Clinicians and students at all levels and in all primary care. EBook Price: $129.99.