Gw Basic Programs For 10th Class
Lectures of Computer Science X. This training course shows you the elements of the Basic programming language. Basic Training covers the essentials and gradually discuss the how to solve and develop algorithms.The course covers basic course of class X computer science. Note: if you liked the playlist then don’t forget to share it with your friends on social media.
SOURCE PROGRAM. 10 REM TO PREPARE MARKS SHEET FOR 5 SUBJECTS WITH PERCENTAGE 20 CLS 30 INPUT 'ENTER ROLL NUMBER';RN$ 40 INPUT 'ENTER STUDENT'S NAME';SN$ 50 INPUT 'ENTER FATHER'S NAME';FA$ 60 INPUT 'ENTER CLASS';CL$ 70 INPUT 'MARKS IN. GW-BASIC Computer Science 10th V 2.1 Exercise Programming Problems Plus commands & functions Complied By M. Waqas Riaz MS Computer Science BS Electrical.
And do comment if you have a question. Download Photoshop Free. Whereas from the curriculum link you can navigate to individual lesson. نوٹ: اگر آپ نے پلے لسٹ پسند کیا تو سوشل میڈیا پر اپنے دوستوں کے ساتھ اشتراک کرنا مت بھولنا. اور اگر آپ کا کوئی سوال ہے تو تبصرہ کریں. نصاب کے لنکس سے آپ انفرادی سبق پر تشریف لے سکتے ہیں.