Santee Frame Serial Numbers
May 06, 2016 does anyone know who builds the frames with the serial number starting with ST? I was told it could possibly be a santee frame but im unsure. Santee Frame Serial Numbers. Posted on: / Admin. Abraham Lincoln Deciding the Fate of 3. Indians Convicted of War Crimes in Minnesotas Great Sioux Uprising. American History, Politics. Fidget Spinner is a toy. Small child is used for entertainment purpose. Even as the Civil War intensified, President. Can you find a Honda motorcycle year and make from the engine serial number and frame serial serial number? Yes, if you have the frame. Motorcycle frames produced? Santee industries used to produce frames in Sylmar Ca. Under their own brand name until they were bought out by Custom Chrome inc.
Quote: ORIGINAL: eliminator hello everyone. New here and appreciate any info you all might have on one 1965 frame that i came across 4 or 5 years ago. I thought it was a 65 sportster frame, basic, soft tail. No numbers anywhere on the thing. I just talked to a guy recently about the frame and he said it could be a JAMMER frame.
Anyone have any info on this or how i could identify it as such and what its worth is? Sorry i do not have a picture of it. I will have one in 24 hours. Pete I'm a bit corn-fused here. How or why do you think it's a '65 Sporty frame?
Factory frames back then had no serial numbers on 'em, though there were probably casting numbers somewhere. And softail frames didn't come about until the early '80s when a couple guys from Missouri made 'em, and then HD bought 'em out. Jammer was a primo parts joint, tied in with the dudes who started the Easy Riders magazine, back in the '70s. I see the name has been resurrected in the past couple years, but know little about this incarnation. If it is an old aftermarket frame there might be numbers stamped somewhere. But too often the frame manufacturers supplied a stick-on or rivet-on serial number plate.

Processing For Visual Artists Pdf To Excel. Be interesting to see the pic. And value is somewhat subjective, especially on a frame with no numbers, and no papers. Makes it difficult to title a bike without the Manufacturer's Certificate or Statement of Origin. Hey Pete, about the 'Jammers frame'. The 'Jammers velvet ride' was the original that led to the savior frame but the quality is much higher than the 'Honda' equivalent, and it was built for Harley motors. It has a frame that fits inside of itself at the joints like a sleeve, and does not have a large open section at the neck. Ultraedit Version 15 Keygen Generator. It rides low and is very rare.
I saw one at 14 and bought one at 30. Mine had a 1957 sporty in it that currently needs building, it is stripped right now but I wouldn't give it up for a fully built 'anything' It has no numbers but there is one Harley chopper book I have found with a picture. If you still have it, and it if it is a Jammers, keep it, build it and cherish it it is the original! (yes, Harley built them for war but it is the original street frame) you can easily register it as a homemade, I did.